Building a Stockpile

Tips for building a good foundation of everyday items you need and use.

Building a stockpile of essential items is one of the biggest draws to couponers.  We’ve all seen it, you may have watched Extreme Couponers on TLC or follow some great Canadian coupon Instagram accounts displaying walls of products.  Building stockpiles is a great way to save money on everyday items you use, particularly with the rising grocery prices we are seeing in Canada.  It’s important to remember building a stockpile is meant to save you money in the long run.  Below we present some money saving tips to help you get one step closer to those stockpiles we all dream of.

  1. Start slowly.  Buy only what you need & only what you will use.  I cannot stress this enough but there is ALWAYS a deal.  There is no need to clear shelves or hoard grocery store products.  We see deals week after week; this is the entire premise of our Savin app.  Any experienced couponer has dealt with this; purchasing a product we don’t use because it’s free (or almost free).  In the end, if you stick with that process you will lose money and / or find yourself surrounded by junk.  So while it may seem so exciting and you may even get some FOMO (feelings of missing out), restrain yourself and sit out on the deals you just don’t need.   Start by grabbing a few on sale items (use a coupon if you can) each and every week.  Before you know it you’ll have that stockpile! It’s really as easy as that.

  2. Focus on non-perishables.  These include your toilet paper, paper towel, canned goods (ex. tuna), coffee, tea, etc.  These items last the longest and are super great to have on hand.  Keep them organized by expiration date (when applicable) so that you use the oldest first, and don’t risk having to discard of any.  Keep track of sale prices and when you see a price that can’t be beat, grab a few extra! More on that in tip #5.

  3. Perishable items.  Refrigerated juice, eggs, bread, etc. are some of the popular sale items we see each week.  Sometimes you just cannot resist the urge to buy these in bulk, especially when it’s an item you often use.  If you want to stock up on perishable items keep expiration dates in mind.  How much do you typically use?  And how long of an expiration date do you have?  If you aren’t careful chances are you’ll end up throwing most of these out by the time those expiration dates come around.  Be realistic and reasonable in what you buy.  If there is a deal you just can’t pass up, consider donating, or sharing with friends.

  4. Start building your coupon piles.  When it comes to building a stockpile you need coupons.  Start building your coupon piles, either printing as often as you can (many websites allow you to reorder every 2 weeks), ask friends and family members if they can print you some, and grab a few from the grocery store each trip.  Don’t confuse that tip with taking the whole tearpad - that is highly frowned upon.  Take a few (5-10 coupons) each trip and move along.

  5. Know your local prices.  Get familiar with what you are paying per item.  This way, when an item goes on sale you can quickly decide if it’s a stock up price or not.

If you follow these tips you will not only build your stockpile, but it will save you money! Don’t forget to check out the Savin App for all your sale needs. 

Happy Shopping!


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