Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most common questions we get from Canadians learning to coupon.

  • Where can I find coupons in Canada?

    Coupons can be found in a variety of locations. Canadians can find them in the aisles of many stores, on products (as peelies or tags). Flyers, newspapers and magazines may also carry them. Even some dentist and doctors officces may have a stack of them in the waiting room. A number of websites are dedicated to hosting printable and mail-to-home coupons, you can also contact your favourtie retailers to see if they have any to send! Check out our Education tab for more details on all of these options

  • My store wont let me use coupons and price match, what do I do?

    The honest truth is that each store will vary in their couponing and price matching policies. Ultimately its up to the store manager what they are willing to accept, along with any limitations they may impose. Its best to understand limitations in advance and to work with your local store on understanding and following their policies.

  • What is the difference between one per purchase, one per transaction?

    One coupon per purchase or per item means you can use one coupon per product being purchased. Each item is considered a purchase.

    One coupon per transaction means you can use only one of that specific purchase in a transaction. Think receipts.

    One coupon per customer, person or household means you can only use one of those coupons in a shopping trip.

  • Can I use a coupon with an instore BOGO offer?

    This is at the discretion of the store manager. Not all stores will allow a coupon to be used in addition to a store BOGO (buy one get one) offer. If yours does, remember the coupon can only be applied to the first item, and not the second (free) item.

  • Can I combine coupons?

    In general, no. Stacking is strictly prohibited and not allowed at most stores (with the exception of London Drugs, rules apply). Stacking is the process of using two coupons on a single item to save even more. This includes coupons such as buy two get one free. in this scenario you must purchase two products to get a third for free. This coupon requires 3 products, and thereby excludes all three products from having any other coupons applied.

  • Can I photocopy or reprint coupons?

    Firm no. Photocopying, reproducing, altering and reprinting coupons is illegal and considered fraud. Do not do this. Printable coupons most often have a unique ID, when they do you want to make sure each coupon you print has their own distinct unique ID. Note, a unique ID is different than a barcode. Check out our blog post on understanding coupons for more details.

  • How many coupons can I use?

    The number of coupons you can use in a single transaction will depend on two things; the fine print on the coupon, and the stores coupon policy. Check out our blog post for more details on understanding fine print. If your coupon is not restricted to one per transaction or customer, it will be up to that store location on how many coupons they are willing to accept in a single transaction. Limits most typically are 4 per variety/brand, but some stores may accept more (or less). Check with your local store to determine what their policy is.

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